A common issue that I have found, not only in trading but also in many different aspects of business and in general day-to-day life, is that people refuse to ask questions. I believe that people view asking questions as a weakness and there’s a certain amount of pride that would be negotiated by asking these questions.
Personally I think it’s a shame that so many people are unwilling to ask for help. There’s a few sayings that spring to mind such as ‘if you don’t ask you don’t get’ and ‘there’s no harm in asking’. When you look back to our mannerisms as children, our curiosity was a driving force for the way we learnt and processed information. As we age, in many ways, it is a shame that we lose that thirst for knowledge and for asking questions. Whilst having a look around on the internet about the psychology behind people’s reluctance to ask for help I came across this great article from Pick The Brain about why people don’t like to ask questions and how to get the most out of asking these questions – well worth a read when you have a spare minute.
In my experience, when anyone asks me a question I am more than happy to answer to the best of my ability and explain how and why I know the answer. Equally if I am unsure I will be honest and guide people to other sources, which will hopefully be able to provide more information.
When it comes to trading I find it quite astounding that people are so reluctant to seek help. You may be a full-time trader or have traded on the side for several years but when the market takes an unexpected turn – especially the ForEx market being as volatile as it is – there is no shame in asking for advice or seeking out an expert opinion. At the end of the day do you think the most successful traders (or anyone who is at the top of their profession) got there and achieved their status without asking questions? Do you believe that successful brokers made millions by avoiding questions and coaching?
If you have any questions about the ForEx market please do not hesitate to get in touch or contact Plan B Trading via Twitter. Alternately you can book a 30 minute, 60 minute or 120 minute coaching session where I will be happy to answer your queries.