With our fingers on the pulse of the global markets, in this blog we offer commentary, news and reviews from our in-house traders and trainers regarding the markets and the events that influence them.
Leicester City – Premier League Champions 2016
If you’ve just returned from another solar system, you might not know that Leicester City football club won the English Premier League title for the first time in their history in 2016. Starting the season as 5000-1 outsiders, they triumphed over many well known and better funded clubs. I confess that I am not a follower of football. As a Leicester citizen, I couldn’t help but be riveted to the media coverage of this local success story. So why am I writing about a football success story on a trading website, apart from the fact...
read moreThe Real Wolf of Wall Street
After the huge success of the film adaptation of his autobiography, Jordan Belfort has become a man in high demand. I went along to his recent event at the ExCeL Centre in London, which was full with entrepreneurs keen to learn from his methods. Belfort brought every ounce of the USA with him, we were frequently encouraged to stand up, fist pump and repeat ‘yes’. His charisma was infectious and his passion spread like wildfire – it’s easy to see why people trusted him and bought from him. Belfort first went into business at 21 but he crashed...
read moreKnow Your Limits
Most people work better when they have a set goal in their mind, I know that I most certainly do. This goal does not have to be set in stone but something to work towards and aspire to that can be reconsidered as you approach it. When it comes to trading I believe that one of the hardest things to do is to keep your emotions in check. At the end of the day we have to rely on money to keep our heads above the water and so when losing or winning sums of money it is hard to not become attached or emotionally involved. The best advice ever given...
read moreWhat Does Success Mean To You?
Success means different things to different people – our perception is what makes us all unique. When it comes to success I often feel that people put emphasis on more materialistic things. For me, success is about happiness and being content with what we do have rather than always striving for more. Don’t get me wrong more would always be welcomed but it is not essential for me to be happy. One thing that phases me generally about people is the lack of contentment in their jobs. So much time and energy is invested in our work place that I...
read moreTrading and Technology
It’s pretty evident while walking the streets of London that the world has changed drastically over the past 10 to 15 years. I’m not going to harp on about how I remember when the first mobile phones were released (but I do, and well). In fact, I think it’s quite astounding how accessible everything has become by carrying a smart phone with you. Back in the day it was hard to get information that you were looking for even using the internet or a library it seemed like such a prolonged process but now everything is available to you with just a...
read moreThe one mistake you make that keeps you from being successful in Forex
More and more people consider becoming traders in the foreign exchange market. Their enthusiasm will soon be diminished due to information overload and early stage losses. Can this be avoided? Many beginners lack a clear guidance during their critical early stages. It is very easy and highly likely to simply get lost in the ocean of knowledge online, since it is hard to evaluate the quality and relevance of the information presented on the Internet, especially as a beginner. So what does a beginner need? Human interaction. It is crucial to...
read moreTrading in Pairs
Sometimes it’s really hard to get motivated. I think that the majority of us suffer from this lack of motivation from time to time. We all have things that we want to accomplish and we make excuses – there are not enough hours in the day, I was going to do it but then XYZ came up. The truth is if we want to do something we should push and motivate ourselves to do it. Believe me, I understand that it is easier said than done. One of the most underrated and underused ways to get motivated and keep motivation going strong is by taking part in an...
read moreThe Truth About Financial Freedom
Financial freedom, or financial independence, is generally defined as a person having enough funds to be able to live their life the way they desire without being burdened by financial worry. In this day and age, I believe that financial freedom is more of a mindset – it is about more than having disposable money and it is about more than being rich. Financial freedom is a state of mind that allows us to be carefree and to do the things that we desire and act in a way that truly represents who we are. Everyone seems to be striving to become...
read moreWhy Do People Assume That Trading Makes You Rich?
There are several assumptions that are made almost immediately when people learn that I am involved in the foreign exchange market. The first is that I must be commuting into London Monday to Friday to a high-powered, relentless job. The second is that because I am a trader I am obviously rich. Let’s address the first point first. One of the biggest appeals to me when I began my journey into the forex market was the flexibility. It isn’t like the stock exchange market where there is a physical building dedicated to traders; I think this is...
read moreHave You Paid To Do A Trading Course But Not Invested In Your Own Trading Account?
Most courses that teach you about forex, the market and trading come at a price. This cost is justified by the fact that the knowledge that you are gaining on the courses are a skill that can lead to financial independence. That being said I find it quite astounding that delegates are willing to invest a significant amount of money to learn but then do not take these skills that they have learnt and apply them to the market. They have the resources they need and at least some experience live trading (a perk of Plan B Trading courses) but do...
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