You’re already trading?
Not getting the results you’d like?
Or want to hone those skills even further?
You might have just started trading. You could have a month of trading under your belt. We find traders claiming a years worth of experience often have a month of experience repeated 12 times.
Is this sounding all too familiar?
We can help.
And we start by seeing where you are right now.
One fact when you are trading is that the market does not provide you with feedback. It will pay you or take money from you. But it will not take the time or make the effort to explain your trade. So how will you know if it was a good trade? Or if you made the right decision?
Ultimately, you won’t know, as you don’t have enough market knowledge to make the judgement. This is where a comprehensive learning programme, such as Forex Trading – The Essentials comes to the rescue.
If you’re excited when you have a winning trade or hacked off when you don’t, you need the structure of a full learning programme. In Forex Trading – The Essentials, I’m sure there will be some things you have picked up already. But there will be a lot you haven’t. Find out more about Forex Trading – The Essentials now.
Are you making consistent returns?
As a trader, you will encounter losing trades, that ís part of trading.
But overall:
- Are you profitable and do you know how and why you are profitable?
- Have you eliminated large losses?
- When you encounter a losing trade, do you know how much you will lose before you take the trade? And you NEVER lose more than that amount and you never move stop losses away from the current price?
If these statements are true, you should keep doing what you are doing. Or – do you feel you might benefit from some help?
If you are close, there could be some small tweaks to help you become more professional as a trader.
You might find a coaching and mentoring session with one of our traders is helpful for discipline and confidence. You’ll also receive feedback on your current trading and any areas where improvements could be made.
One of the issues that many amateur traders face is inconsistency.
Two steps forwards and one step backwards is ok, you are making progress. Two forward and two back is no good. Worse still is two forward and three backwards. If that’s where you are right now, STOP before you lose any more money.
It is quite common for have-a-go traders to read some books for information.
Sometimes, this is supplemented with yet more information from the internet or perhaps attending free seminars or conferences. You gain knowledge, but it doesn’t mean you know how to trade.
One option is to change horses and switch to a more structured approach to trading, such as enrolling on Forex Trading – The Essentials with the knowledge that you will be supported on your journey. Alternatively, you could opt to book some one to one time with a coaching and mentoring session.
Another group of traders have invested in themselves by attended a trading course only to find there is no support afterwards.
You might just need some assistance to help implement the course materials. A coaching and mentoring session can make the difference. With a trading review, we can observe your style of trading and the likelihood of success. We can provide you with feedback, identifying your strengths and weaknesses and where necessary, pointing out areas that need improvement.
You can take further coaching from our traders as and when you need.
Discuss your coaching and mentoring requirements with one of our traders by calling 0203 603 4983 now.
You can enrol on Forex Trading – The Essentials right now and start studying the course materials in your own time.