
Forex London Network

Posted by on Apr 1, 2014 in Events, Featured, Learning to Trade?, Market News, Uncategorized

Forex London Network

Profit and Loss are a company that specialise in financial markets and business and technology information. They also hold forex events throughout the world and there just so happens to be one in London later this month. Personally, I thoroughly enjoy going to events such as these. Hearing expert opinions while meeting other traders from the Forex London Network is a great way to spend the day. On Wednesday 23rd April 2014 Profit and Loss have secured some fantastic speakers and a great variety of subjects for them to speak about. The sessions are as follows: – Better Execution: Do...

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Spring arrived this week

Posted by on Mar 10, 2014 in Featured, Market News, Uncategorized

Spring arrived this week

You may have heard that the British spend a lot of time talking about the weather. It’s true. But there is another nation that beats us on this score, the USA. In my view, they spend more time discussing the weather in the USA. They even have a dedicated weather channel on TV. Anyone following the US weather will be aware of their big winter freeze this year with exceptionally low temperatures. In her recent testimony to Congress, even Janet Yellen spoke of the impact of the freezing weather on economic activity in the USA. She mentioned that more data is needed as it is difficult to...

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My 5 Favourite Traders

Posted by on Feb 24, 2014 in Featured, Learning to Trade?, Uncategorized

My 5 Favourite Traders

It’s always interesting to see the trades that other people are making and the advice that they are giving. Here are my 5 favourite traders on Twitter at the moment, please note they are in no particular order.   The first is @MWellerFX. Matt Weller is a global market strategist and has been actively trading since 2005. Enthralled by the liquidity and the accessibility of the market, Mr Weller now offers timely updates on a vast range of currency pairs. Follow him now for great guidance.   @break_retrace3. Howard Friend also offers information on his trading activities, giving...

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