Sometimes it’s really hard to get motivated. I think that the majority of us suffer from this lack of motivation from time to time. We all have things that we want to accomplish and we make excuses – there are not enough hours in the day, I was going to do it but then XYZ came up. The truth is if we want to do something we should push and motivate ourselves to do it. Believe me, I understand that it is easier said than done.
One of the most underrated and underused ways to get motivated and keep motivation going strong is by taking part in an activity with someone else. You push each other to continue, persevere and progress. This also applies to trading. Plan B Trading offers coaching for pairs and our previous experience suggests that when people start their journey in pairs they progress, develop their skills and enter the real market much quicker. It is always great to be able to talk to and confide in someone who knows exactly what issues you are facing and people who are in a similar situation are often more empathetic as they are experiencing similar struggles. Trading in pairs can bring you closer as there is more common ground and there will always be market issues to discuss.
Our courses take place in London, Birmingham, Leicester, Manchester, Southampton or can even be scheduled over Skype should that be more convenient. If you have any questions about trading in pairs or the courses we offer please do not hesitate to get in touch or contact us on Twitter.